I'm building a React website, to enable css modules styles I eject my project I used
npm run eject
And i added extra configurations in the webpack.config.dev.js and webpack.config.prod.js files, the problem is that I was using a component call react-big-calendar (https://github.com/intljusticemission/react-big-calendar), and in that module I have to import a css file. The problem is that when I enable the module features it doesn't apply the css styles to the calendar, It used to look like:
And now it looks like this:
What can I do in order to apply classes from the big-calendar css file?
Now you don't have to eject your project and add extra config to webpack.config to enable css modules. Now whenever you want to use css modules, just name the file [name].module.css and that's it. This will solve your problem with the components which are not using css modules.
Let me know if it works for you