I am new to SPRING and was assigned to work on project currently under development. Unfortunately development of the project has been slow so people have come and gone so I cant ask them why some things were done a certain way.
The project is a web service using SPRING.
They are using a View - Controller - Service (interface & implementation) - DAO (interface & implementation) - POJO (class used to transport data structure across layers).
Every POJO I have checked implementations serialization. On closer examination and search of the code, none of the POJO's are ever written or read, either in the POJO itself or any other file. Which has lead me to ask why its being done.
The POJO's are populated from Oracle statements in the DAO, which bubble upto the view, and then will bubble back down to the DAO where they information from them are written to the database using Oracle statements. The POJO itself is not written into the database.
Does SPRING MVC or java web applications require serialization and it is being used in the background? Is it needed to transmit the data between server and client connections? Is there a good reason that all the POJO's are using it that someone new would not recognize?
Depends on technologies used in the layers as well as implementation details.
If persistence is done using JPA/Hibernate then POJOs most likely will need to be Serializable.
In case if the POJO is passed to view via servlet session and session replication is on then you need to have your POJOs Serializable.