I can't see what is wrong, I am trying to pass the gameBoard array (is this not an array?- see constructor) into the findPiece method, but it says it isn't an array, what should I be passing here to get un updated board? Sorry, I am new to programming but I really appreciate any hints!
public class Game {
private Board gameBoard;
public Game() {
gameBoard = new Board();
public void play(Board board) {
EasyIn2 reader = new EasyIn2();
gameBoard = new Board(); //initializes the board so dont need to do so in main
boolean done = false;
while(!done) { //keeps looping when no one has won yet
String pos1 = reader.getString(); //gets user input ... move from... to.... temporary variables
int xFrom=pos1.charAt(0) - 'a'; //to transform the letter
int yFrom=pos1.charAt(1) - '1'; // to transform the number
String pos2 = reader.getString();
int xTo=pos2.charAt(0) - 'a'; //to transform the letter
int yTo=pos2.charAt(1) - '1'; // to transform the number
public class Board {
private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 8; //images for pieces to be displayed on board
private static final char FREE = '.';
private static final char WHITEROOK = '♖';
private static final char BLACKROOK = '♜';
private static final char WHITEBISHOP = '♗';
private static final char BLACKBISHOP = '♝';
private static final char WHITEKING = '♔';
private static final char BLACKKING = '♚';
private static final char WHITEQUEEN = '♕';
private static final char BLACKQUEEN = '♛';
private static final char WHITEKNIGHT = '♘';
private static final char BLACKKNIGHT = '♞';
private static final char WHITEPAWN = '♙';
private static final char BLACKPAWN = '♟';
private int boardsize;
public char[][] board;
public Board() {
this.boardsize = DEFAULT_SIZE;
board = new char[boardsize][boardsize];
// Clear all playable fields
for (int x = 0; x < boardsize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < boardsize; y++)
board[x][y] = FREE;
board[0][7] = BLACKROOK;
board[2][7] = BLACKBISHOP;
board[5][7] = BLACKBISHOP;
board[7][7] = BLACKROOK;
board[0][0] = WHITEROOK;
board[2][0] = WHITEBISHOP;
board[5][0] = WHITEBISHOP;
board[7][0] = WHITEROOK;
public boolean findPiece(char[][] boardIn, int xFrom, int yFrom) { //checks that the player has selected a piece
for (int i = 0; i < boardIn.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < boardIn.length; j++) {
if (boardIn[i][j] == boardIn[xFrom][yFrom]) { //checks the user input co-ordinate is on the board
if (boardIn[xFrom][yFrom] != FREE) {
Piece piece=new Piece(); //checks the piece is real, ie not a free space
piece.getPieceType(xFrom, yFrom);
return true;
} else {
return false;
You should pass gameBoard.board
: actually, you are passing the entire instance of that class (gameBoard
), not just the array component of it. So, it's right: the error you got said that you are not passing an array.