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JDO query returns entity that doesn't match the filter condition

I ran the following jdo query, it is intended to get a list of entities that has empty "flow id". However, when I check the returned list, it did contain an entity with non-empty flow id.

PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManagerProxy();    
String flowId = "";
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("flowId", flowId);
List<MyEntity> entities = pm.newQuery(MyEntity.class, " this.flowId == :flowId ").setNamedParameters(params).executeList();

It doesn't always happen, but when it happens, I found there is always an update to that entity from another process to clear the "flow id" at a similar time. However, the result I got from the above query have that entity but shows a non-empty flow id. I also checked the JDO object state of the unexpectedly returned entity, it is persistent-clean. The query is run within an active transaction.

Here are the SQL compiled by JDOQLQuery.


Although I don't think it is relevant, the isolation level is read-committed, the entity is detachable, and that query above is running within a transaction. Please help, thanks!


After I change the isolation level to repeatable-read, it never happens again. So highly likely it is related with isolation level. I'm not sure whether there is a bug or not. My data nucleus version is 4.1.6. Any thoughts will help.


  • I turn off both level1 and level2 cache. It seems caching in datanucleus doesn't work in some rare cases with multiple processes updating the same row with read-committed isolation level.

    When the data store is applying the filtering condition, it can see the latest update from another process (set the flow_id to empty in my example). So it returns that row. However when datanucleus lookup its field using the row id, it checks the cache first but there is a potential stale value in cache for that entity, which seems to be the root cause of this issue.