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Twitter Bot Node.js and Twit Package


So im trying to create a twitter bot and everything was going fine until i tried to auto reply to users who follow me. I'am learning and was watching from this tutorial Coding Train Twitter Bot(LINK) but i seem to get this error(PHOTO) even tho i did everything exactly the same.

Im Using:

  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Windows CMD Command Prompt
  • Sublime Text 3

Importing Packages

var Twit = require('twit');
var Keys = require('./private_auth_keys');
var T = new Twit(Keys);

Stream Setup.

I belive the bug is somewhere in the stream part but i dont get it... i did everything the same as the video. Maybe twitter blocked this from their API? idk what im talking about, but any feedback would be awesome.

var stream ='user');

stream.on('follow', followed);

function followed(eventMsg) {
    console.log("New Follower Reply Sent!");

    var Name =;
    var screenName = eventMsg.source.screen_name;

tweetIt('Heyyy .@' + screenName + ' thanks for the follow! Do you like memes? #RateThatMeme');

Reply/Tweet Function

function tweetIt(txt) {

var tweet = {
status: txt
}'statuses/update', tweet, tweeted);

function tweeted(err, data, response) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("oof! Something went wrong!");
    } else {
         console.log("Tweet sent successfully!");


Error Message

events.js:167 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^

Error: Bad Twitter streaming request: 401 at Object.exports.makeTwitError (C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Projects Code Train\node\node2\node_modules\twit\lib\helpers.js:74:13)....etc


  • Twitter user streams were retired in August so this code will no longer work as is.