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Kodi JSON-RPC over TCP invalid message

I'm sending this json over a tcp-socket to my raspi-kodi-client.


But he returns me:

{"error":{"code":-32602,"data":{"method":"Playlist.Clear","stack":{"message":"Invalid type object received","name":"playlistid","type":"integer"}},"message":"Invalid params."},"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}

Why??? It's look like I'm too stupidooo because diffrent examples looks same

First Example - ok its http not tcp but I dont think thats the point - but maybe it is :O

I'm using kodi 1.7 and openjdk 11.


  • In all the examples in that link, "params" is an object, not an array. And that fact is exactly what the error message is telling you (although I admit, it's not saying it very clearly).

    Simply change


