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Error installing caffe due to boost-python

I'm trying to install pycaffe, but am failing the command make pycaffe with the error:

ld: library not found for -lboost_python
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [python/caffe/] Error 1

I installed boost-python with the command brew install --build-from-source -vd boost boost-python. In my /usr/local/Cellar/boost-python folder, I have v1.67 with files libboost_python27.dylib and libboost_python27-mt.dylib, as well as their respective .a files.

Since caffe is looking for lboost_python and not libboost_python, should I just simlink one to the other? How would I go about this?


  • If you are using python3

    brew install boost --with-python3
    brew install boost-python

    Confirm boost and boost-python is installed

        brew list | grep 'boost'

    Then create symlink

     Example : sudo ln -s libboost_python37.dylib libboost_python3.dylib

    This should solve your issue