I have a function called int differenceDatesInDays(string& date)
This function should get a string value as a date (YYYY-MM-DD) and compare it with today´s date.
I don´t know if there is already something inside the STL, i could not find a matching algorithm. I just found out that boost has a solution for this, but i don´t want to use boost.
So, this is my code so far:
int differenceDatesInDays(string& date) {
string year = date.substr(0, 4);
string month = date.substr(5,2);
string day = date.substr(8, string::npos);
int y = stoi(year);
int m = stoi(month);
int d = stoi(day);
time_t time_now = time(0);
tm* now = localtime(&time_now);
int diffY = y - (now->tm_year + 1900);
int diffM = m - (now->tm_mon + 1);
int diffD = d - (now->tm_mday);
int difference = (diffY * 365) + (diffM * 30) + diffD;
return difference;
I don´t know how to find out if the month has 30, 31 or 28 days.
Something along these lines, perhaps:
int differenceDatesInDays(string& date) {
// Parse `date` as in your code
int y = ...;
int m = ...;
int d = ...;
tm then = {0};
then.tm_year = y - 1900;
then.tm_mon = m - 1;
then.tm_day = d;
time_t then_secs = mktime(&then);
time_t time_now = time(0);
tm* now = localtime(&time_now);
tm today = {0};
today.tm_year = now->tm_year;
today.tm_mon = now->tm_mon;
today.tm_day = now->tm_day;
time_t today_secs = mktime(&today);
return (today_secs - then_secs) / (24*60*60);