I was wondering if there was some way to obtain the value of a variable that has been captured by a nested function, from outside of that said function. A little tricky to explain in words so here's what I'm trying to achieve:
function counter(){
let count = 0;
return function counterIncrementer(){
function someReceiever(counterIncrementer){
// From here, somehow access the value of count captured by
// counterIncrementer.
// -> Without modifying the counter/returned counterIncrementer function
// before runtime
Thanks !
The only way to do this would be to declare count as a global, or create another function just for accessing count, nested within counter; but given the structure of your code, it doesn't seem like that's a great answer.
function counter(){
let count = 0;
return [
function counterIncrementer(){
function counterGetter() {
return count;
function someReceiever(counterIncrementerPack){
let counterIncrementer = counterIncrementerPack[0];
let counterGetter = counterIncrementerPack[1];
console.log(counterIncrementer(), counterGetter(), counterGetter(), counterIncrementer(), counterGetter());
Outputs: undefined 1 1 undefined 2
Note: you may also want to make counterIncrementer return ++count, but that wasn't the question shrug.