I have faced a Hibernate criteria query issues.
Table DataStatus
data looks like below:
| name | info | server | starttime |
| Bob | information1 | www1 | 2018-02-14 10:32:43 |
| Alice | information2 | www3 | 2018-02-14 17:34:43 |
| Bob | information3 | www2 | 2018-02-14 10:32:43 |
| Alice | information4 | www1 | 2018-02-14 11:25:51 |
| Alice | information5 | www2 | 2018-02-14 08:42:25 |
| Bob | information6 | www3 | 2018-02-14 10:32:43 |
Query looks like this:
SELECT * FROM DataStatus sts
WHERE sts.server IS NOT NULL
AND sts.name = 'Bob'
AND sts.starttime < (
SELECT starttime FROM DataStatus
WHERE name = 'Alice' AND server = sts.server);
And the result looks like this:
| name | info | server | starttime |
| Bob | information1 | www1 | 2018-02-14 10:32:43 |
| Bob | information6 | www3 | 2018-02-14 10:32:43 |
I have tried something like below:
Criteria criteria = session.CreateCriteria(DataStatus.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", "Bob")),
criteria.add(Restrictions.lt("starttime", ))
I have no idea how to implement this nested where and select query with Hibernate criteria?
Thanks in advance.
My advice is to keep trying, look more in the Javadocs, experiment in your IDE. And if you give up, try the below (assuming your table is modeled in class DataStatus
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<DataStatus> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(DataStatus.class);
Root<DataStatus> root = criteriaQuery.from(DataStatus.class);
Subquery<Date> subquery = criteriaQuery.subquery(Date.class);
Root<DataStatus> innerRoot = subquery.from(DataStatus.class);
.where(criteriaBuilder.and(criteriaBuilder.equal(innerRoot.get("name"), "Alice"),
criteriaBuilder.equal(innerRoot.get("server"), root.get("server"))));
criteriaBuilder.and( criteriaBuilder.isNotNull( root.get( "server" ) ),
criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("name"), "Bob" ),
criteriaBuilder.lessThan(root.<Date> get("startTime"), subquery)
) );
Query<DataStatus> query = session.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
List<DataStatus> resultList = query.getResultList();