Using react-intl
I have the following message:
serviceFee: {
en: 'Service fee: ({fee, number, percent})',
When I call
<FormatMessage id="serviceFee" values={{ fee: 0.0625 }} />
I expect it to render:
Service fee: 6.25%
But I get a rounded value:
Service fee: 6%
How to fix this?
There's two ways of doing that:
You can remove the percent style from the message syntax:
serviceFee: 'Service fee: ({fee})'
Then send the value with the correct format:
values={{ fee: intl.formatNumber(0.0625, { style: 'percent', maximumFractionDigits: 2 }) }}
Create a custom format that sets the necessary option:
const formats = {
number: {
percentWith2Decimals: { style: 'percent', maximumFractionDigits: 2 },
Add add the formats to your IntlProvider
<IntlProvider formats={formats}>...</IntlProvider>
Then use the custom format in your message:
serviceFee: 'Service fee: ({fee, number, percentWith2Decimals})'