Using Logstash, my goal is to index the document if the timestamp for that document hasn't been indexed before, otherwise, if the document does exist and the timestamp is not in the array, then append the timestamp array. My problem is that an array is appended to an array.
i.e. my input log line is always the same EXCEPT for the timestamp which I want to append to the same document in Elastic.
Here is my input data.
The "hash" field will become the document id (for example only)
{"timestamp":"1534023333", "hash":"1"}
{"timestamp":"1534022222", "hash":"1"}
{"timestamp":"1534011111", "hash":"1"}
Here is my Logstash config:
params.event.get is used because it prevents a dynamic script compilation
input {
file {
path => "timestamp.json"
start_position => "beginning"
codec => "json"
filter {
mutate {
split => { "timestamp" => "," }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
index => "test1"
document_id => "%{[hash]}"
doc_as_upsert => true
script => 'if(ctx._source.timestamp.contains(params.event.get("timestamp"))) return true; else (ctx._source.timestamp.add(params.event.get("timestamp")))'
action => "update"
#stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Here is the output.
Notice that timestamp is an array. But each value is appeded to the array as an array.
"timestamp": [
What I desire is the output to be:
"timestamp": [
How do I get the desired output? I'm running Elasticsearch 6.4.2 and Logstash 6.4.2.
The problem is that split => { "timestamp" => "," }
transforms timestamp
field into an array and add
method takes an object and it appends to the original array (it does not concatenate two arrays).
In painless try to access the first element of timestamp
array just like this:
if(ctx._source.timestamp.contains(params.event.get("timestamp")[0])) return true; else (ctx._source.timestamp.add(params.event.get("timestamp")[0]))