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Creating different "distributions" of an project

I am switching (or at least trying to) from Ant to Maven. I am building a complex project, resulting in one WAR file, expanded into a single folder.

Then, in Ant I am creating 10 different "distributions", which means I copy some propertie files, CSS and HTML files from a "config/" directory to the folder, create a and repeat the step with the next "config/" folder.

In the end, I have 10 ZIP files with customized ressources for each customer.

The and code looks like that (might not be the best ant code, but works perfectly):

<!-- Distributionen -->
<target name="distribution-customer1" depends="jar-with-dependencies">
    <property name="dirname" value="customer1" />
    <antcall target="distribution">
        <param name="dirname" value="${dirname}" />
<target name="distribution-customer2" depends="jar-with-dependencies">
    <property name="dirname" value="customer2" />
    <antcall target="distribution">
        <param name="dirname" value="${dirname}" />
<target name="distribution-customer3">
    <property name="dirname" value="customer3" />
    <antcall target="distribution">
        <param name="dirname" value="${dirname}" />
    <!-- Startdateien mit Port 8080 statt Port 80 -->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/" overwrite="yes">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/" includes="myproject_starten**" />
    <!-- Nachdem wir Dateien geändert haben, nochmals WAR und ZIP generieren -->
    <antcall target="create_war_and_zip">
        <param name="dirname" value="${dirname}" />
<!-- /Distributionen -->

<!-- Über Antcall aufrufen, nicht direkt! -->
<target name="distribution" depends="jar-with-dependencies">

    <!-- Altes Verzeichnis löschen -->
    <delete dir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/" />
    <!-- Neu anlegen -->
    <mkdir dir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/" />
    <!-- Alles vom Template rüber kopieren -->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/" overwrite="yes">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/">
    <!-- Service.ini mit der Version aus dem individuellen Config-Verzeichnis 
        überschreiben -->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}" overwrite="yes">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/">
            <include name="*.ini" />
    <!-- Alte Propertydateien löschen -->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/myproject/WEB-INF/classes" overwrite="yes">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/">
            <include name="*.properties" />
    <!-- ggf. Log4J Config überschreiben -->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/myproject/WEB-INF/classes" overwrite="yes">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/">
            <include name="*.xml" />
    <!-- Custom CSS kopieren -->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/myproject/assets/css" overwrite="yes">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/assets/css/">
            <include name="*.css" />

    <!-- Custom Images kopieren -->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/myproject/assets/images" overwrite="yes">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/assets/images/">
            <include name="*.png" />

    <!-- Daten kopieren (Falls vorhanden, für Demo)-->
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/data" overwrite="yes" failonerror="false">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/data/"></fileset>

    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/myproject/bilder" overwrite="yes" failonerror="false">
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/configs/${dirname}/bilder/"></fileset>

    <delete file="${root.dir}/distribution/${dirname}/" />

    <antcall target="create_war_and_zip">
        <param name="dirname" value="${dirname}" />


<target name="copy-to-distribution" depends="jar-with-dependencies">
    <delete dir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/myproject/" />
    <mkdir dir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/myproject/" />
    <mkdir dir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/myproject/bilder" />
        dir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/myproject/bilder/details" />
        dir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/myproject/bilder/originals" />
        dir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/myproject/bilder/thumbnails" />
    <copy todir="${root.dir}/distribution/myproject_template/myproject/">
            dir="${build.dir}/dist/${}-with-dependencies-jar/" />

How can I do something like that with maven? Should I use profiles? Should I even use maven for that task?

Any help is welcome!

Thank you, schube


  • You need to use war-overlays here is an example:

    A parent pom, to hold all the child projects together:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    A base war that project, for any common stuff:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

    And as many distribution wars to change anything in the base-war. Anything included in this project will replace anything in the base-war. You can have nothing and get the full base-war or insert individual files.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

    Working example here