I'd like to flyTo()
on an existing map on http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/
When I type map
into Firefox's (or Vivaldi's/Chromium's) web console, the <div>
container is returned. How can I get the JS map
variable to be able to call map.flyTo(<LatLng>)
Welcome to SO!
Unfortunately, the Leaflet Map initialization, on the demo page you link to, happens in a JavaScript IIFE, i.e. in a local self-contained scope:
(function() {
'use strict';
var map = L.map('map', {
zoomControl: false,
}).setView([48, -3], 5);
// more code...
})(); // End of IIFE
Therefore you will not be able to access that local map
variable from an outer scope, i.e. from the window
you have access to on your browser web console.
I am also not aware of a mean to retrieve the Map object from its DOM container by default in Leaflet.