I have the following structure and I would like to not insert fields Profit and EuroProfit.
type Order struct {
Price float64 `json:"price"`
EuroPrice float64 `json:"euro_price"`
Profit float64 `json:"profit" bson:"_"`
EuroProfit float64 `json:"euro_profit" bson:"_"`
Currency *Currency `json:"currency"`
Date customTime `json:"date"` }
I read in the mgo/bson doc I have to add bson:"_" to avoid to insert them.
But when I insert a structure I get the following error:
Duplicated key '_' in struct model.Order
And indeed, if I let only one ' _ ', it is inserted in the mongodb, so the bson:" _ " seems doesn't work.
How can I avoid to insert them ?
I use the following import:
This looks like a typo. To ignore a field, the tag value must be a hyphen, not an underscore.
Profit float64 `json:"profit" bson:"-"`
EuroProfit float64 `json:"euro_profit" bson:"-"`