I need help with uploading a photo (along with other inserted data in editor) but only when submit button is clicked. I've searched forum, and googled but no luck :(
The code I'm using is working for uploading image and saving text to database, but it's uploading image instantly when I add it to editor. This is not desired behavior for me, 'couse if user add image to editor and then decide to close tab/close browser or go to another address, image will be stored on server - so I would like someone to help me to upload image only when submitt button is pressed (until then, it will be there only as preview). Here is my code:
//placeholder: 'your Message',
height: 200,
toolbar: [
['style', ['style']],
['font', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
['fontname', ['fontname']],
['color', ['color']],
['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
['height', ['height']],
['table', ['table']],
['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'hr']],
['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview', 'help']],
['save-button', ['save']]
callbacks : {
onImageUpload: function(image) {
function uploadImage(image) {
var slika = new FormData();
$.ajax ({
data: slika,
type: "POST",
url: "url - upload image script",// this file uploads the picture and
// returns a chain containing the path
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function(url) {
var image = url;
$('#summernote').summernote("insertImage", image);
error: function(data) {
var input_content = $('#summernote').summernote('code');
var is_empty = $("#is_empty").val();
var location_id = $("#location_id").val();;
url: 'url - store text to database',
type: 'post',
data: {
'input_content' : input_content,
'is_empty' : is_empty,
'location_id' : location_id,
success: function(response){
title : "USPEŠNO!",
content : "Sadržaj je uspešno snimljen!",
color : "#7DC27D",
timeout: 4000,
icon : "fa fa-check"
Hope someone can help me, or there is some example code someone can point me to. Tnx in advance!
So, I was actually able to achieve this functionality, however, it's entirely outside of Summernote.
I'm doing this in PHP. My application is a forum software where the html page posts to a PHP page and within that page we save the submitted text. So, in this file we're adding this:
// The text from Summernote here is saved in a variable called $submitted_text
// This if-statement could probably be better, but this is working well for me so far
if (strpos($submitted_text, '<img') !== false && strpos($submitted_text, ';base64') !== false) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
// Get base64 encoded string
$srcStr = $tag->getAttribute('src');
$base64EncData = substr($srcStr, ($pos = strpos($srcStr, 'base64,')) !== false ? $pos + 7 : 0);
$base64EncData = substr($base64EncData, 0, -1);
// Get an image file
$img = base64_decode($base64EncData);
// Get file type
$dataInfo = explode(";", $srcStr)[0];
$fileExt = str_replace('data:image/', '', $dataInfo);
// Create a new filename for the image
$newImageName = str_replace(".", "", uniqid("forum_img_", true));
$filename = $newImageName . '.' . $fileExt;
$file = '/media/storage/public/uploaded_imgs/' . $filename;
// Save the image to disk
$success = file_put_contents($file, $img);
$imgUrl = 'https://www.yourdomain.com/uploaded_imgs/' . $filename;
// Update the forum thread text with an img tag for the new image
$newImgTag = '<img src="' . $imgUrl . '" />';
$tag->setAttribute('src', $imgUrl);
$tag->setAttribute('data-original-filename', $tag->getAttribute('data-filename'));
$submitted_text = $doc->saveHTML();
// Here, $submitted_text is now the modified html/text you'll want to save to your database. Huzzah! Handle anything else needed before saving the text here.
Note that this means that we don't need any callbacks for Summernote itself -- we're using the default image handling with the base64 encodings.