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Java | TicTacToe Right Diagonal Not Working

currently working on a tic tac toe game in java, and I have a checkWin() method that works correctly for 3 out of the 4 possible winning conditions. The one I am having an issue with is the right diagonal.


public boolean checkWin(String player){
    int row = 0; // Holder to count number of player spots in row
    int d1 = 0; // Holder to count number of player spots in right diag.
    int d2 = 0; // Holder to count number of player spots in left diag.
    int[] column = new int[squares[0].length]; /* Holder to count number
    of player spots in column */

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        row = 0;
        for(int j = 0; j < size; j++){
            if(null == squares[i][j]){
                row++; /* If spot at [i][j] equals player, increase row */
                column[j]++; /* If spot at [i][j] equals player, increase 
                col */
                if(i == j){ /* If spot at i is equal to j, increase left 
                    diag */
                } else if ((size - 1) == i + j){ /* If spot at i + j 
                    equals board size - 1, increase right diag. */
        if(row == size){ 
            if spots in row is equal to size (otherwise, if it fills
            the row, return win
            return true;
    if(size == d1 || size == d2){
        if spots in either diag is equal to size, return win
        return true;
    for(int i = 0; i < column.length; i++){
        if(column[i] == size){
            if column is full of the same player character, return win
            return true;
    otherwise, return false
    return false;

The problem part is:

                else if ((size - 1) == i + j){ /* If spot at i + j 
                    equals board size - 1, increase right diag. */

Reason for setting it up this way, is how a 2D Array works, so for a 3x3 board:




And with i + j = size - 1, it would evaluate 2 + 0, 1 + 1, 0 + 2 all equal 2, which is size - 1 if size = 3, but when I run the program and perform the right diagonal move, it doesn't return a true value for win.

Any suggestions for how to fix this will be greatly appreciated.


  • else if ((size - 1) == i + j)

    ^ This is only evaluated if the if condition above it is false.

    if(i == j)

    When i == 1 and j == 1, then i == j is true, and thus (size - 1) == i + j is not evaluated.

    TLDR: Get rid of your else.