My web app needs to access an arbitrary E-Commerce store and determine whether or not it has a product data feed (i.e. a Google Base feed; an RSS/ATOM feed of all products in the store). Also, I need to extract the location of this feed.
The best solution I can think of so far is to maintain a comprehensive list of known locations of these feeds for given E-Commerce platforms and check them one by one for the site, crossing them off the list as they come back 404.
Two questions:
Thanks so much! :)
Can you think of a better approach?
User Search Engine APIs to Discover Feeds. You could try using the Google, Bing and Yahoo Search APIs to discover product feeds on the domains you are interested in. This could be done as follows:
Obviously, this assumes that the feeds have been found and indexed by the search engines.
How would I go about generating this list of known product data feed locations?
I don't believe there is such a thing as a "known location" for a product data feed. However, you could try including the following patterns in your algorithm: