I am building an application that has a sidebar that opens by default on Desktop applications and using the padding (example app) option available with 4.9 of the ArcGIS JavaScript API, I want to offset the side of the screen while the sidebar is opened. When the app is resized I want to remove the property offset and somehow refresh or reload the original View. I was able to get it working by re-creating the view which causes a weird flash on the map. I made a simple jsfiddle showing something similar to what I want to do. https://jsfiddle.net/booshwa/t05ks1u4/. When the user clicks on the recenter button a new view is built with padding if the sidebar is open or it sets the padding to 0 if the sidebar is hidden. Below is the JavaScript in the jsfiddle.
], function(
) {
// Create the Map
var map = new Map({
basemap: "topo"
// Create the view set the view padding to be 320 px from the right
var view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
center: [-74.045459, 40.690083], // Liberty Island, NY, USA
zoom: 16,
padding: {
right: 320 // Same value as the #sidebar width in CSS
var sidebar_open = true;
// Show / Hide the sidebar
$("#toggle_sidebar").click(function() {
if (sidebar_open) {
$("#sidebar").css({display: "none"});
} else {
$("#sidebar").css({display: "block"});
sidebar_open = !sidebar_open;
// Builds a new view based on if the sidebar is open or closed
$("#toggle_view").click(function() {
var padding = 0;
if (sidebar_open) {
padding = 320;
// Recreate the view to make the padding reset
// => Is this the only way to update a view?
view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
center: [-74.045459, 40.690083], // Liberty Island, NY, USA
zoom: 16,
padding: {
right: padding // Same value as the #sidebar width in CSS
You just have to modify the padding
of the view and then use the view.goTo
method to recenter the mapView
like this:
$("#toggle_view").click(function() {
var padding = 0;
if (sidebar_open) {
padding = 320;
view.padding = {left:0, top: 0, right: padding, bottom: 0};