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Jenkins Pipeline best way to use choice parameter for checking conditions

Pipeline executes two jobs : Job X and Job Y. The Pipeline has a choice parameter which is required by Job Y. Choice parameter options: A,B and C.

Job Y has 3 conditions :

if Choice==A then do task 1

else if Choice==B then do task 2

else do task 3

Getting stuck at declaring choice conditions at STAGE of Job Y.

p.s. tried Active Choice parameter, can't work through it.

Can anybody help out with the logic for this problem?


  • I am assuming that Job Y is called from your pipeline as a downstream job. Thus somewhere, (probably the end of your pipeline) you will have:

    build job: 'CloudbeeFolder1/Path/To/JobY', propagate: false, wait: false, parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'MY_PARAM', value: "${env.SOME_VALUE}"]]

    Then in JobY on the "other side" you have:

    environment {
        PARAM_FROM_PIPELINE = "${params.MY_PARAM}"

    This gets the value of your parameter into an environment variable in JobY.

    Depending on what the tasks are you could perform them in a batch (or sh) file by passing PARAM_FROM_PIPELINE like so:

    stages {
        stage("Do Tasks") {
            steps {
                bat "mybatchfile.bat ${env.PARAM_FROM_PIPELINE}"

    Finally in mybatchfile.bat you can read the value of ${env.PARAM_FROM_PIPELINE} like so:

    IF %PARAM_VAL% = "A" (
      REM DO TASK1
    ) ELSE (
        IF %PARAM_VAL% = "B" (
            REM DO TASK2
        ) ELSE (
            REM DO TASK3

    If you don't want to encapsulate the if-else logic in a batch file you can use a script {...} block in your Jenkinsfile to use scripted pipeline.