I'm trying to access nested values in a REST API array within the LIST VIEW of a React-Admin project. In short I'm trying to do something like "Array.item" when passing it to a component that renders it.
I've got my data populating like so:
Each messages array looks like this, so here's one of them:
for (let i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
id: i,
read: faker.random.boolean(),
date: faker.date.past(),
faker.name.jobDescriptor() +
' ' +
faker.name.jobArea() +
' ' +
content: faker.lorem.paragraph(),
faker.internet.email() +
' - ' +
faker.name.firstName() +
' ' +
And then I put them in one array in the end.
id: 0,
inbox: data.messagesInbox,
outbox: data.messagesOutbox,
direct: data.messagesDirect
data.messagesInbox,outbox and direct are generic arrays, they contain the same type of data.
I'm trying to access each array individually, and pass that information to be rendered by a component made to render these arrays.
export const MessagesList = props => (
<List actions={<InboxListActions />} {...props}>
<MessagesGrid data="messages.inbox" />
<List actions={<OutboxListActions />} {...props}>
<MessagesGrid data="messages.outbox" />
<List actions={<DirectListActions />} {...props}>
<MessagesGrid data="messages.direct" />
No matter what it keeps passing the context of the array as if it's only at the top level, it's never passing the exact array object I'm referencing with the "."
I am doing this wrong, and I need understanding and guidance on how to do this right.
Messages grid just expects an array to iterate through and create UI for each item.
const MessagesGrid = ({ data, basePath, resource }) =>
console.log(data) || (
<div style={{ margin: '1em' }}>
{data.map(id => (
<Card key={id} style={cardStyle}>
<ReadField record={data[id]} source="confirmed" />
title={<TextField record={data[id]} source="subject" />}
subheader={<DateField record={data[id]} source="date" />}
<TextField record={data[id]} source="content" />
Figured it out, doing it like this, by wrapping them in Datagrids and using ArrayField it was able to step into each array:
export const MessagesList = (props, resource) => (
<List actions={<InboxListActions />} {...props}>
<ArrayField source="inbox">
<MessagesGrid />
<List actions={<OutboxListActions />} {...props}>
<ArrayField source="outbox">
<MessagesGrid />
<List actions={<DirectListActions />} {...props}>
<ArrayField source="direct">
<MessagesGrid />