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Angular dynamic form nested fields

With the help of, i am making a dynamic form where i am in the need to display two fields at first.

  new TextboxQuestion({
    key: 'firstName',
    label: 'First name',
    value: '',
    required: true,
    order: 1

  new TextboxQuestion({
    key: 'lastName',
    label: 'Last name',
    value: '',
    required: true,
    order: 2

These two fields needs to be at first on loading.

After this i will have two buttons as add and remove.

  <button (click)="addNew()"> Add </button> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  <button (click)="removeNew()"> Remove </button> <br><br>

By clicking add, i need to display the next two fields (the following fields),

  new TextboxQuestion({
    key: 'emailAddress',
    label: 'Email',
    type: 'email',
    order: 3

  new DropdownQuestion({
    key: 'brave',
    label: 'Bravery Rating',
    options: [
      {key: 'solid',  value: 'Solid'},
      {key: 'great',  value: 'Great'},
      {key: 'good',   value: 'Good'},
      {key: 'unproven', value: 'Unproven'}
    order: 4

Order 1 & 2 in the initial state and after clicking add the next two order 3 & 4 needs to get displayed.

KIndly help me to achieve the result of adding child fields on click add button.

The working stackblitz which displays all at once,


  • Implementing dynamic form with formArray.

    Well, the things are more complex. I make a stackblik, see demo

    I'll try to explain how extends the to allow Form Array.

    The first we need make is create a new type of question, a questionArray

    import { QuestionBase } from './question-base';
    export class ArrayQuestion extends QuestionBase<string> {
      controlType = 'array';
      type: any;
      constructor(options: {} = {}) {

    We must change question base to add a new property "children"

    export class QuestionBase<T> {
      value: T;
      constructor(options: {
          value?: T,
        } = {}) {
        this.value = options.value;
        this.children=options.children || null;

    Add change the question-control service to allow manage formArrays

    toFormGroup(questions: QuestionBase<any>[]) {
        let group: any = {};
        questions.forEach(question => {
          //If the control type is "array" we create a FormArray
          if (question.controlType=="array") {
             group[question.key]=new FormArray([]);
          else {
            group[question.key] = question.required ? new FormControl(question.value || '', Validators.required)
              : new FormControl(question.value || '');
        return new FormGroup(group);

    Well We transform the dynamic-form.component to show a FormArray

    <div *ngFor="let question of questions" class="form-row">
        <ng-container *ngIf="question.children">
            <div [formArrayName]="question.key">
                <div *ngFor="let item of form.get(question.key).controls; let i=index" [formGroupName]="i">
                    <div *ngFor="let item of question.children">
                        <app-question [question]="item" [form]="form.get(question.key).at(i)"></app-question>
        <ng-container *ngIf="!question.children">
            <app-question [question]="question" [form]="form"></app-question>

    And just it doit. Well, how increment and decrement the formArrays? We have two buttons

      <button (click)="addControls('myArray')"> Add </button>
      <button (click)="removeControls('myArray')"> Remove </button> <br><br>

    And two functions addControls and removeControls

      addControls(control: string) {
        let question: any = this.questions.find(q => q.key == control);
        let children = question ? question.children : null;
        if (children)
          (this.form.get(control) as FormArray).push(this.qcs.toFormGroup(children))
      removeControls(control: string){
        let array=this.form.get(control) as FormArray;

    Update I forgot add and example of questions:

    let questions: QuestionBase<any>[] = [
          new TextboxQuestion({
            key: 'firstName',
            label: 'First name',
            value: '',
            required: true,
            order: 1
          new TextboxQuestion({
            key: 'lastName',
            label: 'Last name',
            value: '',
            required: true,
            order: 2
          new ArrayQuestion({
            key: 'myArray',
            value: '',
            order: 3,
            children: [
              new TextboxQuestion({
                key: 'emailAddress',
                label: 'Email',
                type: 'email',
                order: 3
              new DropdownQuestion({
                key: 'brave',
                label: 'Bravery Rating',
                options: [
                  { key: 'solid', value: 'Solid' },
                  { key: 'great', value: 'Great' },
                  { key: 'good', value: 'Good' },
                  { key: 'unproven', value: 'Unproven' }
                order: 4