Search code examples

Get the internal id for a refineablestring

I'm building up a query which will redirect the user to the search page with the relevant query info. My problem is the only way I know how to get the internal id for the refinablestring is via the address bar, I need a way to be able to get the internal id via JavaScript.

When I say internal ID I mean:

Name: Refinablestring00

Internal id: ǂǂ446f63756d656e7460547970652031

Query that gets generated (decoded):


To clarify, I want to be able to get the internal id and I have access to JSOM/client side. What options do I have?



  • This is not officially documented, but here we go. Let's take a look how refiner filter is represented:

         "k": queryText,    //search query 
         "r": [   //<- the list of refiners
                      "n": propertyName,   //property value 
                      "t": [token],  //encoded property value (see below for a more details)  
                      "o": "and",    //(or,and) operators
                      "k": false, 
                      "m": null 
          //another refiners go here.. 
          "l": lcid   //language 

    where token represents the encoded property value which could be generated like this:

    var strToHex = function (value) {
         var hex = unescape(encodeURIComponent(value))
                 return v.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)
         return hex; 
    var propertyValue = "Jon Doe";
    var token = "\"ǂǂ" + strToHex(propertyValue) + "\"";


    The following example demonstrates how to generate search url which includes filter for refiner with property name DisplayAuthor and value Jon Doe

    function createRefiner(queryText,propertyName, propertyValue,lcid) {
         lcid = lcid || 1033;
         var strToHex = function (value) {
                    var hex = unescape(encodeURIComponent(value))
                             return v.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)
                    return hex; 
         var token = "\"ǂǂ" + strToHex(propertyValue) + "\"";
         return { 
                  "k": queryText, 
                  "r": [{ "n": propertyName, "t": [token], "o": "and", "k": false, "m": null }], 
                  "l": lcid 
    var refiner = createRefiner("*","DisplayAuthor","Jon Doe");
    var queryGroupName = "Default";
    var refinerFilter = queryGroupName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(refiner));
    var pageUrl = "/_layouts/15/osssearchresults.aspx" + '#' + refinerFilter;