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How to log error messages in chef recipe

How to log the error messages in a recipe.

For EX: My recipe here is

# Cookbook:: mkdir
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright:: 2018, The Authors, All Rights Reserved.

bash 'extract_module' do
code <<-EOH
mkdir -p /tmp/#{node['main']['directory']}
EOH "Directory Created"
#puts "Directory created"


Where is the log file actually created ??? --> "Directory Created"

How can i control my recipe to stop if

mkdir -p /tmp/#{node['main']['directory']}

actually fails??

Thank you


  • I believe it depends on your operating system.

    For a windows machine your logs will most likely be at the directory C:\chef\log.

    For a linux machine, it should default to /etc/chef/log

    You should find log files with names like client-run_20181024124200.log. This log file will contain your "Directory Created"

    I would like to point out that, you can actually specify where you want your logs to be written to. To do this, first navigate to and open the file C:\chef\client.rb on a windows machine or /etc/chef/client.rb on a linux box.

    You can now change the line log_location STDOUT to your own directory like
    log_location C:\logs\cheflogs