I have four models
name: attr('string'),
owner: belongsTo('user'),
content: attr('string'),
exam: belongsTo('exam')
owner: belongsTo('user'),
question: belongsTo('question'),
answer: attr('string'),
remarks: attr('string'),
exam: belongsTo('exam')
owner : attr('string'),
email : attr('string'),
password : attr('string'),
I load the models into a route. Then, when I run the following template code,
{{#each model.answers as |ans|}}
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { hash } from 'rsvp';
export default Route.extend({
model: function(params){
return hash({
student: this.store.findRecord('student',params.id),
answers: this.store.query('answer',{
owner: params.id
it shows the output as follows
why is it showing such an code, why not showning the original content?
I think you encountered a very special and rare case. The content has a special meaning for ember relationships. That's internal stuff and an end-user should not deal with it. But that's the reason, why you get
{{ans.question.content}} {{!-- .content doesn't return the content attribute --}}
I would work around it by changing the attribute's name at server and ember-model. If I server's attribute-name is not mutable, I would customize the ember-serializer. I.e.:
//app/serializers/person.js (ember g serializer question)
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
attrs: {
questionContent: 'content' //map server's attribute content to ember-model's questionContent