I'm trying to develop an applet in NetBeans which can read the MAC address.
So here is my directory structure
Here is my UPDATED Code
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.net.NetworkInterface;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
* @author jay.patel
public class MacAddressApplet extends JApplet {
public static String getMacFromInterface(NetworkInterface ni) throws SocketException {
byte mac[] = ni.getHardwareAddress();
if (mac != null) {
StringBuilder macAddress = new StringBuilder("");
String sep = "";
for (byte o : mac) {
macAddress.append(sep).append(String.format("%02X", o));
sep = ":";
return macAddress.toString();
return "";
public static String[] getInterfaces() {
try {
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
while (nis.hasMoreElements()) {
NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement();
if (ni.isUp() && !ni.isLoopback() && !ni.isVirtual()) {
String mac = getMacFromInterface(ni);
String str = ni.getDisplayName() + ";" + mac;
return result.toArray(new String[0]);
} catch (SocketException e) {
System.out.println("SocketException:: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception:: " + e.getMessage());
return new String[0];
public static String getInterfacesJSON() {
try {
String macs[] = getInterfaces();
String sep = "";
StringBuilder macArray = new StringBuilder("['");
for (String mac : macs) {
sep = "','";
return macArray.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception:: " + e.getMessage());
return "[]";
public void paint(Graphics g) {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
String macs[] = getInterfaces();
for (String mac : macs) {
System.out.println(" Interfaces = " + mac);
System.out.println(" Interfaces JSON = " + getInterfacesJSON());
g.drawString("MAC: " + getInterfacesJSON(), 100, 100);
return null;
<H3><HR WIDTH="100%">Applet HTML Page<HR WIDTH="100%"></H3>
<P><APPLET codebase="classes" code="MacAddrApplet.class" width=350 height=200></APPLET></P>
<HR WIDTH="100%"><FONT SIZE=-1><I>Generated by NetBeans IDE</I></FONT>
grant {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
When I try to run my applet from Run -> Run File
it works perfectly fine and shows my Mac address in it, with this log that I'm printing
Interfaces = en1;XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Interfaces JSON = ['en1;XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX']
But when I try to run it using
appletviewer build/MacAddrApplet.html
it prints
Interfaces = en1;
Interfaces JSON = ['en1;']
How can I solve this issue??
P.S. I think it's happening because it's not using the permissions of applet.policy
Eventually I figured out what's wrong with the terminal command
appletviewer build/MacAddrApplet.html
because if you see the project.properties
file located in nbproject
folder, at the end part, you'll see
So when I run the applet using Run -> Run File
Netbeans internally took care of everything and hence the applet is running perfectly fine.
But, in case of the terminal, I need to specify the policy file
explicitly (This is what I want to know when I asked the question!), So run the applet with this command and it will work fine...
appletviewer -J-Djava.security.policy=applet.policy build/MacAddrApplet.html