I have the following code, that is the art of the API of my
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import io.swagger.annotations.*;
@GetMapping(value = "/{userId}")
public String getUserHistory(ApiParam(value = "The user id")
@PathVariable("userId") Integer userId, Model model) throws NotFoundException {
// fetch user info
model.addAttribute("userInfo", userInfo);
return "userHistory";
If I have the @ApiParam annotation, the @PathVariable becomes non-required, so if I do not enter the userId and make the request through Swagger UI, the request still goes to the server, which causes unneeded server errors. The parameter "required" of @PathVariable is true by default (so, the default is @PathVariable(name="userId", required = true)) and works fine without @ApiParam on that very parameter. These annotations should not change each other's behaviour, as far as I am concerned. Is that a Swagger bug or just a misuse?
The parameter "required" of @ApiParam is false by default so you just have to change that to true for it to be required through the Swagger UI.
@ApiParam(value = "The user id", required = true) @PathVariable("userId") Integer userId