To ensure readability and maintainability, I would like to declare several values like colors for example, but only once.
The problem I have is that it seems impossible to assign the result of a sass function or even simple variables directly to css variable.
.some-selector {
--my-css-variable: $my-color; // nope
--my-css-variable: mySassFunction(); // nope
--my-css-variable: transparentize($my-color, .5); // nope
--my-css-variable: copy-pasted-value; // alright
I can't seem to find any answer on search engines, always finding irrelevant topics at best. Could you help me?
Try with interpolation #{...}
$my-color: #fff;
@function myFunction() {
@return #000;
.some-selector {
--my-css-variable: #{$my-color};
/* output: --my-css-variable: #fff; */
--my-css-variable: #{myFunction()};
/* output: --my-css-variable: #000; */