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How to map entity to table in Spring Data JDBC?

In Spring Data JPA we can map an entity to a specific table by using @Table annotation where we can specify schema and name.

But Spring Data JDBC uses a NamingStrategy to map an entity to a table name by converting the entities class name. For example, if we have the entity class named MetricValue then the table should be named metricvalue in default schema. But I need to map MetricValue to the metric_value table in app schema.

Is there any way to override this mapping by annotation or any other?


  • The naming behavior is defined by the default implementation of the interface NamingStrategy

    From reference documentation, section 4.4.3 of version 1.0.2:

    When you use the standard implementations of CrudRepository that Spring Data JDBC provides, they expect a certain table structure. You can tweak that by providing a NamingStrategy in your application context.

    The default implementation has the following behavior (from javadoc version 1.0.2):

    Defaults to no schema, table name based on Class and column name based on RelationalPersistentProperty with name parts of both separated by '_'.

    So create a bean which implements NamingStrategy in register it in your application context.

    This is an example from @keddok comment:

    public class MetricStoreRepositoryConfig extends JdbcConfiguration {
        private DataSource dataSource;
        NamedParameterJdbcOperations operations() {
            return new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource);
        PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
            return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);
        NamingStrategy namingStrategy() {
            return new NamingStrategy() {
                public String getSchema() {
                    return "metric";