I have specified some webservice endpoints into applicaiton.properties file as below application.properties
Now i want to directly use those values into another configuration file that is in my case root-context.xml file for creating soap class using jax-ws client. but the property is never understood by spring boot if i refer it from applicaiton.properties value. why not? if i directly provide the endpoint it works. what is the simplest way to use application.properties file values into anther configuration file? root-context.xml
<jaxws:client id="sampleClient" serviceClass="com.sample.wsdl.sample"
in my case both the root-context and application.properties file reside in src/main/resources folder.. so i assume both the files gets loaded on classpath when the applcation boot strap.
It worked finally when i used it in below mentioned way
<jaxws:client id="acctInqClient" serviceClass="com.ge.india.capital.wsdl.spine.AcctInq"
provided, i declared one property in the name config.middleware.soap.service.endpoint.sample in the applicaiton.properties file.
But i would like to know why only ${config.middleware.soap.service.endpoint.sample} didn't work. thank you.