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Kony Camera Snapshot Delay

I am trying to set a 5 second snapshot delay on the Camera function in Kony Visualizer.

Does anyone know how to do this?


  • You can use *kony.timer.schedule* API for Camera Snapshot delay.

    Basically, you can use this API when you want to execute a function after a specified interval of time. i.e, for example, to run a specific function after a specific time and/or for every 15 seconds.

    Syntax: kony.timer.schedule(timerid,funcObj,interval,repeat)


    • timerid - unique ID for timer (string)

    • funcObj - function that needs to be executed (function)

    • interval - specifies the time in seconds after which the function needs to be executed(number)

    • repeat - to repeat function or not (boolean)

    So, You just need to call this timer function on "OnCapture" Action for Camera Widget.

    Read Kony documents for reference