Search code examples

Binding Object to Vue multi-select

I have a table with two columns(Location and Users). The location is static information but the users is a multi-select using Vue-Select. I need to shows users currently selected for a location on page load. I grab that information from a database. I also need to be able to change the selected users of a location by using a multi-select that shows all users. Example Mock

Vue Outline

        <th class="col-xs-2">Locations</th>
        <th class="col-xs-8">Users</th>
        <tr v-for="(row, index) in rows" v-bind:key="index">
              <span>{{ row.location }}</span>
                <v-select multiple v-model="row.users">
                <option v-for="user in allUsers" :key="" :value="">{{ }}</option>


var app = new Vue({
    el: '#el',
    data() {
        return {
          errors: [],
          loading: false,
          rows: this.assignments,
          allUsers: this.users
   props: {
     assignments: Array,
     users: Array

Example of how rows are returned from database

      { "id":1,
        "name":"SomePlace, CA",
        "users": [
          {"id":1, "name":"Person One"},
          {"id":2, "name":"Person Two"}
      { "id":2,
        "name":"AnotherPlace, CA",
        "users": [
          {"id":3, "name":"Person Three"}
      { "id":1,
        "name":"SomePlace, CA",
        "users": [
          {"id":1, "name":"Person One"},
          {"id":2, "name":"Person Two"}
      { "id":2,
        "name":"AnotherPlace, CA",
        "users": [
          {"id":3, "name":"Person Three"}

Example of how all users are returned from database

    ["id":1, "name":"Person One"],
    ["id":2, "name":"Person Two"],
    ["id":3,"name":"Person Three"],


  • I had moved the data coming via props directly to data object, since your rows property has one item which contains locations array, i looped through the first item rows[0] and i put row as the select options :options="row" and for the second column i looped through the user of the selectedLocation :

    Vue.component('v-select', VueSelect.VueSelect)
    var app = new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      data() {
        return {
          errors: [],
          loading: false,
          rows: [{
              "locations": [{
                  "id": 1,
                  "name": "SomePlace, CA",
                  "users": [{
                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "Person One"
                      "id": 2,
                      "name": "Person Two"
                  "id": 2,
                  "name": "AnotherPlace, CA",
                  "users": [{
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": "Person Three"
              "locations": [{
                  "id": 1,
                  "name": "SomePlace, CA",
                  "users": [{
                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "Person One"
                      "id": 2,
                      "name": "Person Two"
                  "id": 2,
                  "name": "AnotherPlace, CA",
                  "users": [{
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": "Person Three"
          allUsers: this.users
      props: {
        assignments: Array,
        users: Array
          <th class="col-xs-2">Locations</th>
          <th class="col-xs-8">Users</th>
        <tr v-for="(row, index) in rows[0].locations" v-bind:key="index">
          <td class="lead-locations">
          <td class="lead-users">
            <v-select multiple v-model="row.users" label="name">

    for demo check this code