I've added interstitial admob ads in my ios version of my libgdx game. but i can't find something like GADRewardedVideo
// Build.Gradle
implementation "org.robovm:robopods-google-mobile-ads-ios:1.6.0"
// IOSLauncher
import org.robovm.pods.google.mobileads.GADInterstitial;
import org.robovm.pods.google.mobileads.GADRequest;
I imported this from robopods, is there something missing ?
Version 1.6.0
of robopods-google-mobile-ads-ios
artifact under org.robovm
group is too old(~Aug, 2015).
RoboVM is no more, try MobiVM (fork based on the last open-source version of RoboVM)
Inject artifact under mobivm hood :
implementation "com.mobidevelop.robovm:robopods-google-mobile-ads-ios:2.2.2"
If you like to work with snapshot version, use 2.2.3-SNAPSHOT
Hopefully you've added GoogleMobileAds.framework
in your ios module before Gradle injection.