I have a resolver in my routing module
path: 'path1',
component: FirstComponent,
resolve: {
allOrders: DataResolver
And then in my resolve function there is
resolve(): Observable<Array<string>> {
return this.serviceA.getAllfooNames()
.map(result=> {
/* result is an array of strings*/
return this.serviceB.getAllBarNames(result[0])
/*orders is also supposed to be an array of strings*/
.map(orders=> return orders)
I want the value orders to be stored against the allOrders key. I want pass orders array as data in the ActivatedRoute snapshot. Please Help.
You can use a mix of concatMap
and zip
resolve(): Observable<Array<string>> {
return this.serviceA.getAllfooNames().pipe(
concatMap((names) =>
zip(...names.map((name) => this.serviceB.getAllBarNames(name)))
map((...names) =>
names.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr), [])
This will return all the strings returned from the serviceB call, in one big array of strings.
Basically what it does, you call getAllfooNames
, with concatMap
you wait until this request is finished, which returns a bunch of names in a string. After that you pick these up with the zip
operator. This operator executes all the observables passed in there using the array map method, and emits once all of them are completed.
This is then picked up in the map, which receives multiple string arrays as parameters. You then use reduce
to make it in one big array.