I have created an angular component library that I am installing via npm into my applications.
I have a drop down that gets populated and used fine...the problem comes when I want to "reset" the component library controls to do a fresh selection.
I'm not sure how to do this?
This is my component library html for drop down control..
<select [(ngModel)]='thisControl' name="nameControl" id="idControl"
(ngModelChange)="updateControl(thisControl)" class="form-control">
<option *ngFor="let control of controls" [value]="control.ControlID">
{{control.controlName}} ({{control.ControlCode}})</option>
This is my component code...
import { Component, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter, Input } from
import { msControlDataService } from '../../services/ms-control-data-
selector: 'ms-control-name-id-code',
templateUrl: './control-name-id-code.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./control-name-id-code.component.scss']
export class ControlNameIdCodeComponent implements OnInit {
agencies: any;
constructor(private msControlDataService:msControlDataService) { }
ngOnInit() {
@Input() currYear: any;
@Output() selectedValue = new EventEmitter<object>();
.subscribe((data) => {
this.agencies = data;
thisControl:string = "";
This is my usage in my application...
I import the Module into app.module.ts and add my tag to the html...
<ms-control-name-id-code [(currYear)]="currYear"
(selectedValue)="setControl($event)" ></ms-control-name-id-code>
Like I said this all works as expected however I can't seem to figure out how to "reset" the control without doing a full page refresh or get at the ngModel of the control.
any help is greatly appreciated!!
So what I ended up doing was using @ViewChild to get access to all of my components properties and functions...
private resetDropDown: ControlNameIdCodeComponent;
Then I can just change the value bound to ngModel
this.resetDropDown.thisControl = "";