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Jbilling + Ruby

Are there ready solutions (gems, plugins, libraries, etc) for integration ruby (rails) applications and jbilling?

I didn't find even api client for ruby.

I need someone to share his experience with integration. Jbilling has web-service (SOAP ,Java RMI, Burlap) but there is no specific gem for easy accessing and editing data via API.

JRuby 1.6.0 was Released yesterday.

Lines from jbilling manual "All of the API classes are located in the jbilling_api.jar file located in your jBilling distribution. The API also makes use of several third-party libraries, such as the Log4j library and Commons Logging, which provides a powerful logging infrastructure; Spring, which handles configuration and remoting; CXF, a SOAP library; and Hessian, for Hessian/Burlap support. You'll therefore need to provide the log4j.jar, commons- logging.jar and spring.jar files in your class path, if your project does not already include them. "

Is that good practice to include so many jars in jruby rails application ?


  • You can try making your app run on JRuby and using the Java libraries directly. We did an experimental branch of our own app for a similar reason and found some useful projects in the process:

    In the end we didn't go for JRuby, for various reasons that weren't necessarily of a technical nature.