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Google Sheets: Repeat a row based on COUNTA of a cell, ARRAYFORMULA

I have a table as below. The table is updated from time to time so the exact number of rows is not know:

|a |red    |1, 1, 1,     |
|b |green  |2, 2,        |
|c |blue   |3,           |

I need to repeat each row based on the COUNTA in the Column 3 as follows:

|a |red    |1            |
|a |red    |1            |
|a |red    |1            |
|b |green  |2            |
|b |green  |2            |
|c |blue   |3            |

I wrote a formula but to ensure it addresses enough rows I have to manually add another row to that formula (consider the columns are E, F, and G):

transpose(split(rept(E2&"****",COUNTA(split(G2,", "))),"****")),transpose(split(rept(F2&"****",COUNTA(split(G2,", "))),"****")),TRANSPOSE(split(G2,", "))}

transpose(split(rept(E3&"****",COUNTA(split(G3,", "))),"****")),transpose(split(rept(F3&"****",COUNTA(split(G3,", "))),"****")),TRANSPOSE(split(G3,", "))}

transpose(split(rept(E4&"****",COUNTA(split(G4,", "))),"****")),transpose(split(rept(F4&"****",COUNTA(split(G4,", "))),"****")),TRANSPOSE(split(G4,", "))}

transpose(split(rept(E5&"****",COUNTA(split(G5,", "))),"****")),transpose(split(rept(F5&"****",COUNTA(split(G5,", "))),"****")),TRANSPOSE(split(G5,", "))}



Example sheet.

Sine the exact number of rows is not known I would like to convert this into an ARRAYFORMULA for rows 2-1000.

Would that be possible at all? If yes, what would be the formula? Thanks!


  • Paste this script in the script editor.

     * Splits the array by commas in the column with given index, by given delimiter
     * @param {A2:B20}  range Range reference
     * @param {2}  colToSplit Column index
     * @param {","}  delimiter Character by which to split
     * @customfunction
    function advancedSplit(range, colToSplit, delimiter) {
        var resArr = [], row;
        range.forEach(function (r) {
            r[colToSplit-1].replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)(\d|\w)/g,", ").split(delimiter)
                .forEach(function (s) {
                    row = [];
                    r.forEach(function (c, k) {               
                       row.push( (k === colToSplit-1) ? s.trim() : c);
         return resArr.filter(function (r) {
            return r.toString()
                .replace(/,/g, "")

    Then in the spreadsheet use this script as a custom formula

    =advancedSplit(E2:G, 3, ",")

    I hope this helps?