Given an input like @1=A1@2=A2@3=A3>>@1=B1@2=B2@3=B3>>@1=C1@2=C2@3=C3>>@1=D1@2=D2@3=D3
, I want to match @2=A2 and @2=B2 such that there is only one >>
between them.
I tried the regex (?!@2=A2.*>>.*>>.*@2=B2)@2=A2@.*>>.*@2=B2
This correctly identifies input like
and also ignores the input
(@2=B2 comes after @2=A2 but @2=C2 is in between.).
However, it fails on inputs like @1=A1@2=A2@3=A3>>@1=B1@2=B2@3=B3>>@1=B1@2=B2@3=B3>>@1=D1@2=D2@3=D3
How about:
@2=A2 # literally
[^>]* # 0 or more any character that is not >
>> # literally
[^>]* # 0 or more any character that is not >
@2=B2 # literally