Column A Column B Column C
Date Deal Number Item Number
1/28/2018 201809665 1011943002
2/4/2018 201809665 1011943002
2/18/2018 201809665 1011943002
11/5/2017 201745256 1018100005
11/12/2017 201745256 1018100005
11/19/2017 201745256 1018100005
11/26/2017 201745256 1018100005
1/28/2018 201809288 1018100005
2/4/2018 201809288 1018100005
2/11/2018 201809288 1018100005
2/18/2018 201809288 1018100005
I have a table that looks like the one above, the data is unique based off of the week, deal number, and item number data. I want to figure out how to retrieve all of the date values (from column A) that correspond to a specific item number.
In this example, if I selected Item Number: 1011943002 it would return:
In E2 enter:
=IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:$A$12, AGGREGATE(15, 6, ROW($1:$999)/($C$2:$C$12=1011943002), ROW(1:1))),"")
and copy downwards:
This assumes that for each item number, the list of dates is unique.