I ve created my own API using cloud shell with editor of Google app engine. Here is the snippet of the code which is working fine in testing:
app.get('/fetch_ticker', (req, res) => {
(async() => {
let pair = req.param('pair', "BTC/ETH");
let ex = req.param('exchange', "coinmarketcap");
let myArr = [];
let exchange = await new ccxt[ex]();
let tickers = await exchange.fetchTicker(pair);
//Send req
Now, when I try it after 'Gcloud app deploy' and run it in production, other get requests are working fine but when 'ex' is equal to 'coinmarketcap', it just constantly loading and in the end gives 500 error.
Here is the log:
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752] ==== JS stack trace =========================================
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752]
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752] Security context: 0x3e6826325879 <JSObject>
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752] 1: indexBy(aka indexBy) [/srv/node_modules/ccxt/js/base/functions/generic.js:~82] [pc=0x30a50d2a5374](this=0x32f
9351022d1 <undefined>,/* anonymous */=0x1e7ccf12dc59 <JSArray[37746]>,/* anonymous */=0x32f935144e51 <String[2]: id>,/* anonymous */=0x32f9351022d1 <undefined>)
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752] 2: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752] 3: set_markets(aka setMarkets) [/srv/node_modules/ccxt/js/base/Exchange.js:613] ...
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752]
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752] FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
2018-11-03 11:43:50 default[20181103t163752] 1: node::Abort() [node]
I've tried to increase the memory using node --max_old_space_size=4096 app.js but the error still remains.
The log you included is just the generic request log. I'm unsure if the nodejs environment provides app logs/details as well and, if so, how do you get to them. At least in the python standard environment such logs (accessible as illustrated in Reading Application Logs on Google App Engine from Developer Console) would typically contain an error message or a traceback very useful to identify the actual problem. Without such details it's rather guesswork, which is what I'm gonna do below :)
It could be that the coinmarketcap
exchange doesn't actually support fetchTicker
, while your code assumes all exchanges do support it. An example from the ccxt
Manual actually has a check for that:
// JavaScript
if (exchange.has['fetchTicker']) {
console.log (await (exchange.fetchTicker ('BTC/USD'))) // ticker for BTC/USD
Or the coinmarketcap
exchange server has some (temporary) outage of some sort. Or no longer serves the data in the same conditions or with the same format as expected by the ccxt
library, in which case I'd replace it as the default exchange to use for one which behaves OK.
OK, the error log indicates a memory allocation problem. The typical reason is insufficient app instance memory. You can address this via your app.yaml
configuration, depending on the GAE environment you use:
in the Runtime and app elements sectionmemory_gb
in the Resource settings section