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How to restart async method when It's called again?

I have a problem with an async method. Every time when its invoked It should be restarted. How to achieve that?

In my Android application, I want to show movies on the dashboard grouped by month. The movies are stored in a realm database and some users have a lot of movies locally, so it could be a bunch of time when the process finishes. That's why I want to refresh the UI every time when a new group is ready. The problem is when the realm database is changed (for example when new movies arrived from another service ) I have to start the refresh process again. Before the new refresh process, the previous one has to be stopped and the UI has to clear.


public class DashboardFragment extends BaseFragment {
private DashboardViewModel viewModel;

private Observer<RealmResults<Movie>> movieObserver = movies -> {
    if (movies != null && movies.isLoaded())


public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    viewModel.movies.observe(this, movieObserver);


public class DashboardViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {

    public RealmLiveDataResult<Movie> movies;

    public DashboardViewModel(@NonNull Application application) {

        //This provides a RealmLiveDataResult to have an observable to catch all the changes
        movies = new MoviesRepository().getMovies();

    void refresh() {
        try (Realm realmDefault = Realm.getDefaultInstance()) {

            realmDefault.executeTransactionAsync(realmAsync -> {

                //If there are already rendered movies they should be cleared from the UI

                //Find months contains movies
                RealmResults<Movie> moviesByMonth = realmDefault
                        .sort("date", Sort.DESCENDING);

                //Find movies by month
                for (Movie movieByMonth : moviesByMonth) {

                    //When this loop is still running but the refresh is called again it causes problems on the UI:
                    //It shows groups from the both processes
                    RealmQuery<Movie> allMoviesByMonthQuery = realmAsync
                            .equalTo("dateMonth", movieByMonth.getDateMonth())
                            .sort("date", Sort.DESCENDING);

                    List<Movie> moviesInTheMonth = realmAsync.copyFromRealm(allMoviesByMonthQuery.findAll());

                    //The new group is ready
                    showNewGroupOnUI(movieByMonth.getDate(), moviesInTheMonth);


  • In Async task, you can override onPreExcute() and onPostExecute(). first, create boolean like isCurrentlyLoading and initialize it as false. Then check is this isCurrentlyLoading are false before call loading

        protected void onPreExecute() {
           isCurrentlyLoading = true;
        protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
           isCurrentlyLoading = false; 