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Reverification of email using the rest end point POST /users/{id}/verify

I'm trying to send a re-verification email when a user doesn't receives the verification email after createing the user. Below is the configuration:

Users.getVerifyOptions = function() {
  const defaultOptions = {
  type: 'email',
  from: '',
  subject: 'Re-verification Email',
  template: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../server/views/verify.ejs'),
  redirect: '',
  host: "",
  port: 80
return Object.assign({}, this.settings.verifyOptions || defaultOptions);

//Re-verify Method to render
Users.afterRemote('prototype.verify', function(context, user, next) {
  context.res.render('response', {
title: 'A Link to reverify your identity has been sent '+
  'to your email successfully',
content: 'Please check your email and click on the verification link '+
  'before logging in',
redirectTo: '',
redirectToLinkText: ''

Now the problem is, if the user is already verified, and the option emailVerified is set to true in the database then also the request to POST /users/{id}/verify generates a new verification token and sends an email. Is there any way to stop this endpoint to send any email if the emailverified option is set to true and return a message saying Email is already verified ?


  • You can try by check user.emailVerified is true or false

    Example :

    Users.afterRemote('prototype.verify', function (context, user, next) {
      if(!user.emailVerified) {
        context.res.render('response', {
          title: 'A Link to reverify your identity has been sent ' +
            'to your email successfully',
          content: 'Please check your email and click on the verification link ' +
            'before logging in',
          redirectTo: '',
          redirectToLinkText: ''
      } else {
        return next('already verified');

    Or else you can check verified user when login, when not verified send verification link.

    Example :'/login', function(req, res) {
        password: req.body.password
      }, 'user', function(err, token) {
        if (err) {
          if(err.details && err.code === 'LOGIN_FAILED_EMAIL_NOT_VERIFIED'){
            //send verification link