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Log4net log file not created when unity app installed and running in another system

I have added log4net log file to my unity app. When I run my app in my own machine log files created successfully and log the data but when I publish build of my app and run it in another system, log files are not created. Please suggest any idea what I am missing while created in log file. Here is the code used for create log file.

Sample code :

  public static void ConfigureAllLogging()
            var patternLayout = new PatternLayout
                ConversionPattern = "%date %-5level %logger - %message%newline"

            // setup the appender that writes to Log\EventLog.txt
            var fileAppender = new RollingFileAppender
                AppendToFile = true,
                File = @"TestLog/log.txt",
                Layout = patternLayout,
                MaxSizeRollBackups = 1,
                MaximumFileSize = "10MB",
                RollingStyle = RollingFileAppender.RollingMode.Size,
                StaticLogFileName = true,
                LockingModel = new RollingFileAppender.MinimalLock(),



            var unityLogger = new UnityAppender
                Layout = new PatternLayout()

        catch(Exception ex)
            LoggingManager.Error(ex, "ConfigureAllLogging", "Log4netLogHelper");


  • It's very likely that the issue is due to where you're saving the file. The code will work in the Editor but fail in a build. Unity expects you to save and read data from Application.persistentDataPath. This is the only path you can read and write to in Unity across every platform.


    File = @"TestLog/log.txt",


    File = Application.persistentDataPath + "/TestLog/log.txt";