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Rails: Is there a built translation for "ago"?

Rails translate time ago with time_ago_in_words and documentation is this.

time_ago_in_words(3.minutes.from_now)                 # => 3 minutes

However, in our app, we use "ago": 3 minutes ago

So, what is the best way to translate when "ago" appears before the time_ago, such as in French:

Il y a 3 minutes

Is this built into Rails?

Using Rails 4.2.10 and rails-i18n gem which provides the distance in time, but not the "ago".


  • I think you just need to pass the time as a variable to the translation. Then in the language ymls, you can have the rest of the string where it needs to be.

    Suppose that @product.purchased_time_ago returns the time_ago_in_words().

    # app/views/products/show.html.erb
    <%= t('time_ago', time: @product.purchased_time_ago) %>
    # config/locales/en.yml
      time_ago: "%{time} ago"
    # config/locales/fr.yml
      time_ago: "Il y a %{time}"

    This is direct taken from the docs.