I'm using Artemis 2.6.3. I've created 2 nodes in a symmetric topology.
The producer and consumers are handled by Spring Broker Relay described here. It writes to
address /topic/notification/username/lual
(multicast) and the generated queues are non durable.
The consumer(s) only receive the message if attached to Node 1 (where messages are produced). I can have one attached to node 1 receiving the messages and other to node 2 not receiving the messages. IF both on Node 2 none receive the messages.
I think message redistribution is not working but cannot figure out why. I followed the examples and available documentation. I added all the configs I have below.
Generated diagram:
<configuration xmlns="urn:activemq"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:activemq /schema/artemis-configuration.xsd">
<core xmlns="urn:activemq:core" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:activemq:core ">
<!-- this could be ASYNCIO, MAPPED, NIO
ASYNCIO: Linux Libaio
MAPPED: mmap files
NIO: Plain Java Files
This value was determined through a calculation.
Your system could perform 0,47 writes per millisecond
on the current journal configuration.
That translates as a sync write every 2148000 nanoseconds.
Note: If you specify 0 the system will perform writes directly to the disk.
We recommend this to be 0 if you are using journalType=MAPPED and journal-datasync=false.
When using ASYNCIO, this will determine the writing queue depth for libaio.
You can verify the network health of a particular NIC by specifying the <network-check-NIC> element.
Use this to use an HTTP server to validate the network
<network-check-URL-list>http://www.apache.org</network-check-URL-list> -->
<!-- <network-check-period>10000</network-check-period> -->
<!-- <network-check-timeout>1000</network-check-timeout> -->
<!-- this is a comma separated list, no spaces, just DNS or IPs
it should accept IPV6
Warning: Make sure you understand your network topology as this is meant to validate if your network is valid.
Using IPs that could eventually disappear or be partially visible may defeat the purpose.
You can use a list of multiple IPs, and if any successful ping will make the server OK to continue running -->
<!-- <network-check-list></network-check-list> -->
<!-- use this to customize the ping used for ipv4 addresses -->
<!-- <network-check-ping-command>ping -c 1 -t %d %s</network-check-ping-command> -->
<!-- use this to customize the ping used for ipv6 addresses -->
<!-- <network-check-ping6-command>ping6 -c 1 %2$s</network-check-ping6-command> -->
<!-- Connector used to be announced through cluster connections and notifications -->
<connector name="artemis">tcp://$HOSTNAME:61616</connector>
<!-- how often we are looking for how many bytes are being used on the disk in ms -->
<!-- once the disk hits this limit the system will block, or close the connection in certain protocols
that won't support flow control. -->
<!-- should the broker detect dead locks and other issues -->
<!-- the system will enter into page mode once you hit this limit.
This is an estimate in bytes of how much the messages are using in memory
The system will use half of the available memory (-Xmx) by default for the global-max-size.
You may specify a different value here if you need to customize it to your needs.
<!-- useEpoll means: it will use Netty epoll if you are on a system (Linux) that supports it -->
<!-- amqpCredits: The number of credits sent to AMQP producers -->
<!-- amqpLowCredits: The server will send the # credits specified at amqpCredits at this low mark -->
<!-- Note: If an acceptor needs to be compatible with HornetQ and/or Artemis 1.x clients add
"anycastPrefix=jms.queue.;multicastPrefix=jms.topic." to the acceptor url.
See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARTEMIS-1644 for more information. -->
<!-- Acceptor for every supported protocol -->
<acceptor name="artemis">tcp://$HOSTNAME:61616?tcpSendBufferSize=1048576;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=CORE,AMQP,STOMP,HORNETQ,MQTT,OPENWIRE;useEpoll=true;amqpCredits=1000;amqpLowCredits=300</acceptor>
<!-- AMQP Acceptor. Listens on default AMQP port for AMQP traffic.-->
<acceptor name="amqp">tcp://$HOSTNAME:5672?tcpSendBufferSize=1048576;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=AMQP;useEpoll=true;amqpCredits=1000;amqpLowCredits=300</acceptor>
<!-- STOMP Acceptor. -->
<acceptor name="stomp">tcp://$HOSTNAME:61613?tcpSendBufferSize=1048576;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=STOMP;useEpoll=true</acceptor>
<!-- HornetQ Compatibility Acceptor. Enables HornetQ Core and STOMP for legacy HornetQ clients. -->
<acceptor name="hornetq">tcp://$HOSTNAME:5445?anycastPrefix=jms.queue.;multicastPrefix=jms.topic.;protocols=HORNETQ,STOMP;useEpoll=true</acceptor>
<!-- MQTT Acceptor -->
<acceptor name="mqtt">tcp://$HOSTNAME:1883?tcpSendBufferSize=1048576;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=MQTT;useEpoll=true</acceptor>
<broadcast-group name="artemis-broadcast-group">
<discovery-group name="artemis-discovery-group">
<cluster-connection name="artemis-cluster">
<discovery-group-ref discovery-group-name="artemis-discovery-group"/>
<security-setting match="#">
<permission type="createNonDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="deleteNonDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="createDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="deleteDurableQueue" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="createAddress" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="deleteAddress" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="consume" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="browse" roles="amq"/>
<permission type="send" roles="amq"/>
<!-- we need this otherwise ./artemis data imp wouldn't work -->
<permission type="manage" roles="amq"/>
<!-- if you define auto-create on certain queues, management has to be auto-create -->
<address-setting match="activemq.management#">
<!-- with -1 only the global-max-size is in use for limiting -->
<!--default for catch all-->
<address-setting match="#">
<!-- with -1 only the global-max-size is in use for limiting -->
<address name="DLQ">
<queue name="DLQ" />
<address name="ExpiryQueue">
<queue name="ExpiryQueue" />
<config xmlns="urn:org:jgroups"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:org:jgroups http://www.jgroups.org/schema/JGroups-3.0.xsd">
<UDP ip_ttl="8"
<MERGE2 max_interval="30000"
<FD timeout="10000" max_tries="5" />
<VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500" />
<pbcast.STABLE stability_delay="1000" desired_avg_gossip="50000"
<pbcast.GMS print_local_addr="true" join_timeout="3000"
<FC max_credits="2000000"
<FRAG2 frag_size="60000" />
The DEBUG log is here
I believe your problem is the value used for address
in your cluster-connection
You're treating the address
here as if it supports wild-card matching when it, in fact, does not. The documentation makes this clear (emphasis mine):
Each cluster connection only applies to addresses that match the specified
field. An address is matched on the cluster connection when it begins with the string specified in this field. Theaddress
field on a cluster connection also supports comma separated lists and an exclude syntax!
. To prevent an address from being matched on this cluster connection, prepend a cluster connection address string with!
So, by using #
as the value for address
you're saying that only addresses that start with #
should be clustered - probably not what you want. My guess is that you want all addresses to be clustered in which case you should just leave address
empty. The example from the documentation is empty, and the documentation states:
In the case shown above the cluster connection will load balance messages sent to all addresses (since it's empty).