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Plot a map using lat and long with R?

I have a dataframe with latitude and longitude coordinates for all the places (4500 cities) I want to plot.

For example:

CITY lat long cluster
A -16.75881189 -49.44054783 1
B -18.48756496 -47.39683244 2
C -48.71881214 -16.18267186 3

I need something like this - But here it teaches how to do using python and I need to use R. (FROM:

enter image description here

However, I could not find on internet how I can plot in R using coordinates. The only thing i found is how i can get the coordinates on google maps and then plot direclty. But, since I have to do a kind of "scatterplot map" for more than 4500 cities it is not pratical do in this way.

I recently started studying R language and there are some interpretations that I cannot make in relation to what I find on the internet.


  • You can try using the sf package.

    Assuming you've already loaded the data from a .csv or other type, and have a dataframe (or tibble) named my_df:

    my_sf <- st_as_sf(my_df, coords = c('LON', 'LAT'))
    my_sf <- st_set_crs(my_sf, crs = 4326)
    #Plot it:
    ggplot(my_sf) + 
      geom_sf(aes(color = cluster))

    The sf package (and associated geom_sf) is R's way of plotting geographic data. 4500 points shouldn't be a problem.