I converted this code using the converter.telerik.com
public Decimal CartTotal()
return this.Items.Sum<CartItem>((Func<CartItem, Decimal>) (x => x.Total));
Public Function CartTotal() As Decimal
Return Me.Items.Sum(Of CartItem)(CType((Function(x) x.Total), Func(Of CartItem, Decimal)))
End Function
but the compiler says
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Sum' accepts this number of type arguments.
You simply need to drop the generic specifier on 'Sum':
Public Function CartTotal() As Decimal
Return Me.Items.Sum(CType(Function(x) x.Total, Func(Of CartItem, Decimal)))
End Function
Exactly why VB has a problem with this escapes me at the moment, but it's a common problem. In general, the issue affects usage of any of the IEnumerable extension methods.