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Unable to get all Records based on different pageSize and ChunkSize while using JpaPagingItemReader

I need to scoped 14 records. chunkSize is 10 page Size is 2. It is scoping only 10 records.

I checked with different ways. chunkSize = 5 pageSize = 10 Still scoped only 10 records not all 14.

it works fine only if chunksize =11 and pageSize =10 or chunkSize = 10 and pageSize = 20


    defaultPartitionSize: 5
    partitionScopeChunkSize: 10
    jpaPagingSize: 2
  public class PagingItemReader extends 
  JpaPagingItemReader<ScopeParams> {

     public PagingItemReader (
                              EntityManager entityManager,
                              EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory,
                              @Value("${}") int jpaPagingSize)
        Map<String, Object> parameterValues = new HashMap<>();


 public class JpaItemWriter<T> extends JpaItemWriter<T> {
   private JpaRepository<T, ? extends Serializable> repository;

   public JpaItemWriter(JpaRepository<T, ?> repository) {
    this.repository = repository;

  public void write(List<? extends T> items) {

  private void persistEntities(List<? extends T> list) {
            .peek(item ->"Writing={}", item))


 ===================Step Configuration========
public Step WorkStep(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,
              PagingItemReader ItemReader,
              ItemProcessor ItemProcessor,
              JpaItemWriter<Scope> itemWriter) {
    return stepBuilderFactory.get(WORK_MATCH)
            .<Scope, ExecutionScope>chunk(10)

Processor Code,

public class MatchItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<Scope,ExecutionScope> { 

public ExecutionScope process(Scope financialTransaction) throws Exception { 
return batchExecutionScope; 

private ExecutionScope prepareData(Scope transaction) { ExecutionScope executionScope = new ExecutionScope(); executionScope .setIndustryTypeCode(financialTransaction.getIndustryTypeCode()); return executionScope ; }

I am updating other object in processor with same fields on which reading happens. So i am reading "Scope" entity in reader class . In processor class creating execitionScope object and updating values based on scope and persisting execitionScope in DB.

Both entities are pointing to different tables. ScopeParam hit fin_t table and ExecutionScope hit exec_scope table.

please provide me suggestion.


  • Issue has been resolved. I got help with this link. Spring batch jpaPagingItemReader why some rows are not read?

    • Actual Issue

      JPAPagingItemReader uses offsets and limits, and if your scoping query output gets modified as part of your writer/chunking, then the next page would already have a modified data set and the offset would keep on skipping unprocessed data. Since our scoping query ignore transactions already scoped as part of any active batch, as soon as the first paged set gets chucked they fall under the omission.

    • Solution Modified my scoping query and ignore current running job.