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Entity Framework Plus clear cache for individual queries

I am using FromCache() method whenever I need to retrieve data from the SQL database. There will be a lot of unique queries executed in a single method since it is getting data based on userID. The data associated with the userID will be updated through a separate process which will also trigger an event in the method that controls retrieving. When the data for a specific user is updated, I want to expire the cache for that user so that the next query on that userID will get the most recent data.

I see that EF plus has the option to ExpireTag. Would it be feasible to create a single tag for each userID and then use that to expire the cache?


  • Would it be feasible to create a single tag for each userID and then use that to expire the cache?

    Yes, tag can be used similarly as if you use a cache key.

    The best is probably using 2 tags:

    • Users
    • [UniqueUserId]

    The Users tag will expire all cache related to "users"

    The [UniqueUserId] tag will expire all caches related to this specific users