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spring boot jsp c:set not working with no type primitive value

i'm trying to get my web app to work. But i have a problem with my Object Reparation in my jsp. Here is the Object :

public class Reparation implements Serializable {

   private ReparationMId idRM;
   private int idClient;
   private String nomc;
   private String prenomc;
   private String probleme;
   private Timestamp dateDepot;
   private float prixPrevu;
   private int idEtat;
   private String etat;
   private float prixFinal;
   private Timestamp datePrevu;
   private Timestamp dateLivraison;
   private int idPersonnel;
   private String nomp;
   private String prenomp;
   private String magasin;
   private int produitClient;

   @JoinColumn(name = "idMagasin", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    Magasin magasinPoint;

   public ReparationMId getId(){
       return this.idRM;

Here is ReparationMId the problem with my jsp :

public class ReparationMId implements Serializable{
   Integer idReparation;
   Integer idMagasin;

   //implements equals and hashCode
   public Integer getIdReparation(){
       return this.idReparation;

   public Integer getIdMagasin(){
       return this.idMagasin;

And in my jsp i can't access to idRM to get idReparation :

<table align="center" ="3">
        <tr><th>Client</th><th>Probleme</th><th>Date dépôt</th><th>Prix prévu</th><th>etat</th><th>Pieces utilisés</th></tr>
        <c:forEach items="${reparations}" var="reparation">

            <td><c:out value="${reparation.nomc}"/>
            <c:out value="${reparation.prenomc}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${reparation.probleme}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${reparation.prixPrevu}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${reparation.etat}"/><td>
            <c:set var="rmID" scope="page" value="${reparation.idRM}"/>


you see the c:set is not working with a primite type like idClient it's ok but not with idRM of type ReparationMId. How to achieve that ?

The error :

There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500). An exception occurred processing JSP page [/WEB-INF/view/reparation.jsp] at line [83] 80: 81: 82: 83: 84: 85: 86: Stacktrace:



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        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->






project structure :

enter image description here

enter image description here DataBase :


  • So, simple My getter of class Reparation was getId() instead of getIdRM(). When you don't know it's somehow problematic it's good to know that. Thanks Avijit Barua for your help.